
Welcome to the Leaderboards - the pulse of our gaming community where every win counts and every victory earns you recognition! Here, we track your total XP gained from winning parlays and polls.

What is the Leaderboard?

The Leaderboard is like a scoreboard that ranks players based on the total XP they've accumulated by winning parlays and polls. It's a simple and straightforward way to see who's leading the pack and who's climbing the ranks.

How to Earn Xp?

Participating is easy - just keep winning parlays and polls to rack up your XP. The more you win, the higher you'll climb on the Leaderboards. It's all about showcasing your skills and proving that you're a force to be reckoned with!

  • Daily Login XP: Earn Xp for logging into the app each day

  • Participation XP: Gain XP for participating in community polls, discussions, or surveys, fostering a more interactive and engaged community.

  • Activity XP: Receive XP for various app activities, such as updating your profile, joining a league, or completing a series of picks, incentivizing exploration and utilization of the app's features. -

Last updated